Dr Rubaiul Murshed

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Dr Rubaiul Murshed

Rubaiul  is a Social Reformer, Writer, Pead. Surgeon, Professor of Health-Care Mgmt & Public Health  and author  of a number of significant books – published from India and Bangladesh. He completed his medical graduation from Dhaka Medical College in the early 80’s and later finished his post -graduation degrees and higher training from western countries. He has been also involved in teaching mainly on medical discipline. He permanently moved to Bangladesh in 2003 and dedicated himself primarily to writing, developing modern hospital management and reforming social structure through his organization ‘Shomman Foundation’. He is a cofounder of a non-profit organization ‘Health 21’ (centre for health sector research and management) – formed to stimulate improvement in Health Services Management in Bangladesh.

He has established ‘SHOMMAN’ and is working as a ‘Human Rights Activist’ especially trying to improve the status of helping hands’. He has been trying to popularize the slogan – ‘Everything Begins at Home’.

He writes a regular health column entitled ‘Have a Nice Day’ in the ‘Daily Star’ , the leading English newspaper in Bangladesh. He is a very popular writer and one of his books named ‘Have A Nice Day’ – is the highest sold English book in Bangladesh published by the Daily Star.He is also involved with Ahmad Medical Centre and is an honorary Professor at the ‘State University of Bangladesh’ teaching ‘Health Care Services & Hospital Management’.

Through ‘Shomman’, Dr. Rubaiul started a campaign to improve the working conditions (and their health status) of domestic and other helping hands in our society (specifically in South Asia). Rubaiul being a maestro of Hospital Management in Bangladesh, initiated knowledge based academia to enhance ethics and update moral education.